Contoh Text Report Social Phenomena

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Theft is one of the social phenomena in the category of criminal. Theft is taking someone else's property illegally without permission from the owner. A person who acts or a career in the theft called a thief, and his action is called stealing.
Theft occurs usually because it has the intention and the opportunity to steal, although sometimes also due to hit by the situation. Home property theft is one of the thefts that are based on the intention. The thieves usually spying on the house ahead of time before their execution.
Theft because of the situation that is theft due to several factors, among others, economic factors, social, and psychological. Economic reasons is the basic reason for thieves, as they do to meet their needs. Social reasons that the thieves justify any means to be able to work, although it must be a thief in order not to be insulted because they do not have a job. Psychological reasons is because his soul is disturbed and can not think clearly.

Theft is very negative impacts on society, because theft is usually done by force and violence even thieves also carrying weapons. If the victim of theft does not provide the goods, the thieves did not hesitate to kill the victim.

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